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Hospitality Thinking Solution

Hospitality Thinking Solution is India’s leading OTA & Revenue Management Company formed to

“Simplify the Hoteliers Life”

Inventory Management

Worried about Over-Bookings? We have Real time Inventory Update solutions.

Rate Parity

Helping Hoteliers to maintain the Rate Parity across OTAs.

Dynamic Pricing

Adaptations according to this highly Dynamic Market Trends.

Multiple Device Compatible

Easy to Use interface with Cross Devices Support available.

Why Should You need Channel Manager for your Hotel?

All in one Solution for youe Hotels!

Channel Manager + PMS + Booking Engine.

Real Time Inventory Update

Real-Time Inventory updates with the use of a channel manager are crucial for Hotel businesses that sell rooms through various online channels. Channel Manager is a tool or software that helps Hotel businesses to manage and synchronize their inventory & prices across multiple OTAS channels in real-time.

Rate Parity across OTAs

Rate parity refers to the practice of maintaining consistent pricing for a hotel across all online travel agencies (OTAs) and distribution channels. This ensures that the room rates for a particular property are the same, regardless of where the potential guest is viewing and booking the room. Rate parity is important to create a fair and competitive marketplace and to prevent price discrepancies that may create business loss.

Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic pricing is a strategy that involves adjusting the prices of rooms in real-time based on various factors such as demand, competition, and market conditions. In the context of a channel manager, which is a tool used by businesses to manage and optimize their online distribution across various channels, dynamic pricing becomes particularly important.

Better Inventory Management

Effective inventory management is crucial for Hotel businesses to ensure that they have the right rooms available at the right time with the right pricing.

Multi Devices Support

channel management systems are designed to be accessible and functional across various devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This cross-device support is essential to provide users with flexibility and convenience in managing their channels and inventory from different locations.

Hospitality Thinking Solution

Certificate No: INQ/AN-15645/1/1123



103/37A, Green Park, Mokdumpur, English Bazar, Malda, West Bengal, 732103


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